This website was last updated on February 3, 2016. It is no longer being maintained; however, it remains here as an archive for information on the 2015 White House Conference on Aging forums, blogs, press releases and activities over the period from October 2014–December 2015.

Some material on this website may be superseded, as it was created at a particular time. It may contain references to activities, policies and programs that have no current application. Content in the archive may link to web pages that have moved or no longer exist, or may refer to other documents that are no longer available.

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2015 White House Conference on Aging

The 2015 White House Conference on Aging

Final Report

As 2015 comes to an end, it is time for us to reflect on the events of the last year and to look toward the work still ahead of us. We are pleased to share the final report (PDF) for the 2015 White House Conference on Aging that summarizes the work of this eventful year as well as the feedback we have received in the course of carrying it out.

The Conference

Thank you! What an amazing conference. The event was truly a national conversation thanks to you. Here are some highlights of questions, ideas, and pictures we saw online on July 13.

See the key deliverables from the White House Conference on Aging.

Watch the recording of the WHCOA webcast.

Keep the Conversation Going

Agenda for White House Conference on Aging

July 13, 2015

10:00 am: Welcome to the Morning Session

10:05 am: Panel 1: Caregiving in America

11:25 am: Remarks by the President

11:35 am: Panel 2: Planning for Financial Security at Every Age

12:20 pm: Lunch

1:20 pm: Welcome to the Afternoon Session

2:05 pm: Panel 3: The Power of Intergenerational Connections and Healthy Aging

2:50 pm: Panel 4: Empowering All Generations: Elder Justice in the 21st century

3:50 pm: Panel 5: Technology and the Future of Aging

4:30 pm: Closing Remarks