2015 White House Conference on Aging

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16. July 2015 16:31
by WHCOA Blog Contributor

The future of aging and technology

16. July 2015 16:31 by WHCOA Blog Contributor | 3 Comments

By Susannah Fox, CTO of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

You might be wondering why a Chief Technology Officer would be part of a conference on aging. Isn’t tech a young person’s game?

First of all, I love Alan Kay’s definition: Technology is anything invented after you were born.

Second, my grandmother, who used a CB radio in the 1970s and bought one of the first Apple computers in the 1980s, inspires a different point of view. When I showed her the internet in 1995, she said, “I was born too soon.” Then she proved herself wrong by living another 11 years, a daily internet user. I learned to never assume that someone’s age determines his or her interest in or affinity for technology.

I also believe we can learn from older adults and their use of technology. Studies show that if a website is optimized for older users, younger users benefit too. When I was building online tools, I would bring my laptop over to my grandmother’s house in Baltimore. She was my best beta tester. If it didn’t make sense to her, I would change the navigation.

What does the future hold?

One possibility is that technology will start to disappear and become like electricity, something we don’t notice on a daily basis. For example, instead of all the gadgets we use today to track and measure our health, sensors might be sewn into our clothes.

Another possibility is that technology becomes ever more present and intrusive, asking more of our attention and requiring even better eyesight and dexterity than the current smartphones require.

I am hoping for the first version of the future. The one that helps us get back to the point of technology – to assist us, not to resist us. To connect us, not to divide us.

I see three ways that technology can have a positive effect on the lives of older adults: through data, connection, and invention.

Data: At HHS, we want to empower citizens with their own health data. Medicare recipients can, for example, download a simple text file that contains all their claims data, which includes, for example, a complete medications list and the date of someone’s last flu shot. Once someone has that data file, they can bring it with you when you travel or give it to a new clinician. It’s called the Blue Button program because it is literally as simple as clicking on a blue button on Medicare.gov to get access to your data.

Connection: There is a cultural shift happening at the intersection of health and technology.  The internet connects us not only to information, but also to each other. That’s a wonderful opportunity for all of us to learn from older adults, recreating the multigenerational household and village that we used to have – now the learning happens online on sites like Facebook, but also on specialty sites for caregivers, like Careticker, and on disease-specific sites, like PatientsLikeMe.

Invention: We are a nation of makers. I believe the U.S. can lead the world in inventing ways for older adults to age in place, with dignity. And the government can play a role in fostering this innovation.

For example, people living with Parkinson’s disease and other neurological disorders often develop a hand tremor, which makes it difficult to keep food on a spoon or fork. Liftware, a company in California, has created a set of utensils that counteract a tremor and allows someone to feed themselves. The research that drives this technology was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health.

In addition to providing research grants, the federal government can convene and encourage communities of practice, such as the Health Datapalooza and the White House Maker Faire. And we can look for ways to lift barriers to innovation, which is what my team in the HHS IDEA Lab does, finding ways to hack red tape and help create programs like the NIH 3D Print Exchange, a platform for people to share templates, like the patterns you would use to sew a dress, but in this case it might be a template for printing a prosthetic hand or a model for a heart.

Let’s continue the conversation about the future of aging and technology. Please share your ideas for how we might use data, connection, and invention to help all Americans live longer, healthier lives.

Comments (3) -

My mother died of Alzheimer's. Seeing the last decade of her life has changed everything about how I view aging.

Data, connection and invention is marvelous for those who age "well" -- live healthy until their final days, then die quickly. Data can keep those people "well" longer. But for those who've entered, or who will enter the shadow world of memory loss, technology could be the key to living a meaningful life longer.

Boomers will soon enter the the high-risk for memory-loss years. We are also the first generation that is totally comfortable with technology. What if we built tools to be prompts for memory? We set those tools in the technology era that was comfortable to the person with memory loss -- not the latest technology, but the technology of his or her most productive years? What if that technology included only the things that made sense to the person with memory loss? What if it was designed with large fonts and single button for each of the things he or she can use:
-- Carefully categorized photos of family.
-- Music that was reminiscent of his or her youth.
-- Electronic game or a few games that he or she played when memory was no issue.
-- A single screen of speed dial numbers for key family members and healthcare providers.

And what if the device didn't need to be updated and didn't change where things were.

I believe that technology might help people with memory loss stay connected longer.

Thank you, Cheryl! I love all of those ideas and agree: technology might help people with memory loss stay connected longer. May we see it in our lifetimes.

This all sounds wonderful. There will be soon a report done by a respected reporter in Arizona that the Arizona Protective Services has dozens of boxes of elder abuse cases never investigated. Seniors are dying without justice. Technology is worthless if not used properly! We are glad you are so happy because we just see crying senior elder abuse victims. Read the Sun Grove Resort Village Elder Abuse Story online. Wake up and smell the manure!

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